Jiashan Ouyuan Motor Co.,Ltd.
Add:NO.17,Chenggong Road,Huimin Street,Jiashan County,Zhejiang Province.
Service Concept
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1, pre-sales Service: Before guests to buy for his introduction, recommendation, explain the product, suitable for guests, guests can accept the price where guests can enjoy the benefits of products recommended to guests. This process by sales, shopping guide to complete. To complete a perfect  shopping guide or sales should be professional, sincere, allowing guests to feel warm, comfortable, assured and practical.
2, the sale of services: Guests determine the services to buy and buy products. Such as: pre-commitment spree, the preparation of the gifts, describes notice. Shopping guide and sale of this process can not be too excited to be patient, smile, technical and detailed, professional, and so on, so that guests happy, rest assured.
3, after-sales service: after-sales service in order to improve customer satisfaction, effective protection of customer satisfaction and loyalty initiatives. After-sales service of the system in order to achieve the "customer satisfaction", in order to achieve the purpose of marketing. Customer satisfaction is the final result of the test after-sales service, both play an integral role in the marketing